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Biography of H.H Garab Dorje Rinpoche

Dungsey Garab Rinpoche was born in Brekha, Bhutan. Rinpoche is a Yogi-Rinpoche of God caste blood lineage of King Trison Deutshen (the human form of Manjushri) of Tibet. Rinpoche is the original wisdom son of H.H Dudjom Rinpoche (who in turn was regarded as the manifestation of Guru Rinpoche). Rinpoche's father is none other than Dungsey Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, the emanation of Kuenkhen Longchen Rabjam, as well as the rebirth of Terton Drimed Odser.

Rinpoche received his early education from his father when he was just four years old. He was admitted to the Simtokha Buddhist Institute in Bhutan when he was only eight years old. He studied dharma from Lama Gyalwa Nima of Tibet. Later, Rinpoche attended the Orgyen Kunzang Choekhor Ling Monastery in Darjeeling for 5 years where he learned pujas, handwritings, and sutra readings. Then, for another 3 years, Rinpoche went to Sikkhim to pursue higher study of the Vinaya Root Sutra (teachings of morality), under the guidance of Khenpo Lodoe Zangpo. Rinpoche also spent another 8 years at Mindrolling Monastery in Dehra Dun, India; where he learned Puja, Mudra and Abhidharma, teaching of knowledge, grammar, emptiness, and the theory of Madhyamika. Furthermore, Rinpoche spent another 5 years at the Institute of Buddhist Studies in Mysore. There Rinpoche pursued higher studies and researches, science of poetry, and religious history. Rinpoche studied under the most extraordinary lamas. Rinpoche's root gurus are H.H Dudjom Rinpoche (Jigdral Yeshe Dorje) and Dungsey Thinley Norbu Rinpoche. He also received numerous teaching from H.H Dilgo Khyentshe Rinpoche and H.H Penor Rinpoche.

The superior mission of Rinpoche is to develop Buddha's teaching especially the teaching of The Dudjom New Treasure (Dudjom Tersar). Followers and disciples of Dudjom New Treasure Lineage (Dudjom Tersar) regards Rinpoche as the true successor of H.H Dudjom Rinpoche and especially the Bhutanese, highly regards and expects Rinpoche to be the lineage holder and to lead the Dharma activities of this terma. With Rinpoche's unchangeable compassion, Dudjom New Treasure teachings will flourish worldwide to benefit all sentient beings.

"Rinpoche! because of your great compassionate wish,

We are tightly linked with Dudjom Tersar,

Rinpoche! because of your great compassionate wish,

May we all be free from sufferings in this samsara world,

Rinpoche! because of your great compassionate wish,

May we all attain Enlightenment".

|Dudjom Dharma House Kuantan|

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