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Dharma Activity with Lama Tashi Palden

Dudjom Dharma House Kuala Lumpur warmly welcome Lama Tashi Palden to our Dharma House this coming 21st and 22nd of August 2015. The below is the programme for the 2days. All dharma brothers and sisters are cordially invited to rejoice with us. (欢迎大德们来参与,谢谢) Tashi Delek.


(Dharma practice for Dudjom Lineage Disciples)

2pm~5pm(下午2点~5点) 1) Practice the Dharma instruments (学习使用佛法的法器)

8pm(晚上8点) 2) Mahakala practice 大黑天神(瑪哈嘎拉)-共修


22/8/2015 -Saturday(星期六)

10am~12pm(早上10点~中午12点) 1) Guru Vasuratna puja (莲师财神法会)

2pm~5pm (下午2点~5点)

2) Dispatching 'SERAK'.

It symbolises hungry beggars who disturbed our life, luck, fortune, geomancy, wealth, peace and prosperity from being successfully carried out. Please bring along used personal items- old clothes, hankerchief, coin, pen, etc (遣送"舍拉"的儀式,消除種種障 碍,并带来好运順利.出席者可 携带用过的旧物如衣服,手帕,银 币,笔等来遣送"舍拉".)

8pm~10pm(晚上8点~10点) 3)Empowerment (加持灌顶)

Auspicious Lamp Lighting (供如意吉祥灯) Individual(个人) -Rm10 Family(合家) -Rm20 Company(公司) -Rm20

Address :No. 35, Jalan Wawasan (地址) 5/1, Pusat Bandar Puchong,47100 Puchong.

Contact :019-3185256 (联系) 016-2020248 016-3280665 012-2093646

Welcome all to join, Thank You & Tashi Delek!

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